There are many opportunities for various ethnic groups, such as and to reach their specific target communities regarding business and culture. With the White Pages Business Directory, we aim to provide the same opportunity for the indigenous people of Britain and Europe where ever they reside.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ULTIMATE WASTE SERVICES. All rubbish removals, clearances and scrap metals. 70% of what we clear is recycled. (Including fridges, vehicles and factory clearances) 30 years experience. TELEPHONE Les Orton 07806 772655 or 0121 – 604 5265

HAGAR AND KEV'S Tattoo studio. Simply the best... ring 01922 636262. Professional service and art-work. Patriotic logo tattoos a pleasure.

TERRY LEWIN. Professional Driving Instructor. Nearly a decade experience. TELEPHONE 07939 - 529046

RUSSELL GREEN. Councillor for Princess End, Tipton. 07773 - 454625

THE TRAFALGAR CLUB. The Premier fundraising club of the British National Party. This is an exclusive and discrete way of helping fund the party. phone 0845 – 4764162 and request a Trafalgar Club card be sent to your address. Cheques should be made payable to “Trafalgar Club” or “180 Club” Postal orders are acceptable to either.
KEN GRIFFITHS. Holder of the Certificate of professional Competence (CPC) for heavy goods vehicle operation – Telephone 07900 - 072414
MIKE KIELY. ''Gas Safe'' registered Plumber and Heating Engineer. Telephone 07968 – 034344

J. PERCIVAL. Painter & Decorator. Interior & Exterior Work Undertaken. Telephone 01384 – 294933 or mobile 07930 – 104791

MOLINEUX BOILER SERVICES. 10, Mayhurst Close, Tipton, West Midlands. DY4
OTS. Repairs to industrial boilers, and coded welding. 07799 – 696565 or 0121 530 2514
THE SHEPHERDS COTTAGE Under New management soon. Princes End High Street, Tipton. (on right bend from ASDA)
KARLY. Female Vocalist or Karaoke/Disco available for any venue. 07970137606CALDER DESIGNS. Patriotic badges, promotional items, and special items for clubs and associations. Find us at - email us - GARDENS. Professional slabbing, ponds, and wall work undertaken. Also, tree and bush trimming and cutting service available. Telephone Paul on 07597 - 246207.
HOUBARA FALCONS.Ever thought of investing in birds of prey? Not only are they a tradition that goes back to Pre-Norman times, in Britain, but in this economic climate, the future is more or less ''gold plated''. This type of investment, is a tradition that attracts the attention of extremely wealthy people world-wide. Telephone Bill on 07930-802706
INVESTOR REQUIRED. Award Winning Inventor requires a forward thinking investor to fund project. Interested candidates must be willing to see the project through from prototype to marketplace. This is an ''in the real world'' opportunity, and not a venture as seen on TV programmes where, ''millionaire stars'' are only willing to invest in ready made businesses. Candidates should be willing to fund it with a view to using the fastest route to it's potentially large, and lucrative commercial market.
PATRIOT PRODUCTS The patriotic superstore that say's Four Countries - One Nation - with everything from tee shirts to cufflinks, and banners to sweatshirts. More info and contact details on arrival of first batch of stock soon.1- Before 2 - After
H.R. HAMILTON General builder/roofer, specialising in exterior refurbishment. Including smooth rendering, pebble dash, tyrolean or brick. long-life textured coating specialist. Mull Close, Frankly, Rubery, Birmingham B45 OJF.0121 453 7506 Mobile 07713 588920
THE UTILITY WAREHOUSE Contact Ruth Glover on 07946 734687. Get your phones, internet, gas and electricity bills, plus lots more at a discounted price
Email: ruthpaul@uwclub.netEnglish Potato Merchants. Quality farm fresh potatoes at discounted prices to beat the economic downturn. 55llb bags directly sourced from local and British farms. Red and Whites until around March, then new or early potatoes for a while. Reds delivered from £5.50 per bag, and Whites from £4.75. Collection available via telephone notification.
Telephone THE EDITOR on 07846 – 577740-
Get Your Advert Now For Just £25 Per Year Including A Colour Photo Or Logo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AT HOME OR ABROAD, WHITE PAGES BUSINESS DIRECTORY ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO SUPPORT LOCAL TRADITIONS, SMALL BUSINESSES, FARMERS, MARKETS, AND THE SELF-EMPLOYEDFrom the Potter's Wheel, to the Stained Glass repairer and manufacturer, and the Small Holder to the Market Gardener, Mechanic, and Plumber, for the very first time, YOU too can search or advertise within the indigenous British and European communities for that specific skill, tradesman, job, or special event.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~''Things Ain't What They Used To Be''
There are plenty of people around today, who can remember family businesses as a normal part of high street and rural life. It is a sad reflection on our political leaders that many high street's and rural areas are bereft of vibrant, privately owned small shops and engineers. Sadly, not only are shops and the high street itself under threat, but beautiful small market towns are also under threat of development and unwanted expansion. This year, let's make sure we all do our best to support local small businesses. It's not old fashioned, or boring to ''shop small'', or visit the many semi-rural villages and towns in need of our support. You can enjoy gorgeous, traditionally grown, healthier produce just like our parents or grand-parents did... and generally, they were much healthier and fitter than most people to-day.